Do Bluebirds Mate For Life?

Do Bluebirds Mate For Life?

Bluebirds are fascinating creatures and colorful birds. They are mainly found in North America. These beautiful birds are known for their distinctive blue plumage and sweet songs. During the breeding season of bluebirds most of bird enthusiast asks the same question do bluebirds mate for life?

Are The Bluebirds Monogamous?

Bluebirds belong to the Turdidae family in the genus of Sialia. These birds belong to three different species. Such as Mountain Bluebird, Western Bluebird, and Eastern Bluebird.

Bluebirds genus
Bluebirds belong to the genus of Sialia
Image Source: ( Source: Skyler Ewing:

But one question that often triggers our mind is whether bluebirds mate throughout their whole life. By learning more about these fascinating birds, we can better appreciate and protect them in the wild.

In this blog post, we’ll be closely observing the topic of Do Bluebirds mate for life?

Do Bluebirds Mate For Life? | Are The Bluebirds Monogamous?

Generally, it is found and observed that Bluebirds are monogamous. Firstly, let us know what “mate for life is.” This term is preferred to monogamous relationships where two individuals stay together for their entire lives

They may breed for more than one season together. Both males and females share the duties to raise their young ones and caring for one another. Typically, it is seen that female birds mate with one partner.

Also, during the breeding season, they are found to stay together. One of the most important things to note is that this doesn’t necessarily mean they stay together for life.

The bluebird was long considered one of 91 percent of all monogamous bird species. This is not always the case. For example, one study found that 15 percent of adult female bluebirds and 5 percent of adult males bluebirds at least one nest that was not theirs.

Female bluebirds would often mate with more than one male in densely populated areas. Similarly, male bluebirds satisfy the needs of a nest, if the another male they stay away from the nest site during nesting season.

According to some research, it has been observed that some bluebirds may switch different partners during the breeding seasons as well.

How do Bluebirds Choose Their Mating Partners?

Bluebirds are territorial birds. They mainly prefer to stay in open grassland with scattered trees.

Bluebirds engage in courtship rituals to attract a mate. But before that, male bluebirds build their potential nesting locations to attract the female bluebird.

Then, male bluebirds attract females by displaying their bright blue feathers, i.e. flapping their wings and singing to impress females. Once a pair is formed then the female becomes responsible to build their nest.

Females are quite selective while choosing their mates. They will often choose partners based on their physical appearance and their ability to provide food and shelter.

How to Know Whether Their Pair is Official?

When they choose their partners, female bluebirds enter the nesting cavity along with their mating partners. Then, the male brings the nesting material for nesting.

    | Read More: How to Attract BlueBirds? A Complete Guide

Thereafter, if the female bluebirds accept their nesting cavity and bring it by themselves. It is also observed that the bluebird’s pair is only official when the male birds also accept the nesting materials brought by females.

Then, only we can say that the bluebirds pair is official.

How Many Times in a Year Does Bluebird Mate?

The beautiful fascinating bluebirds usually brood between two to four times during the breeding season. Often, it depends upon the region.

Researchers have found that bluebirds generally mate from the month of March through August in the Northeastern United States.

Bluebirds During Mating Season

During the breeding season, bluebirds become even more active and vocal. Males will often perform aerial displays to attract female bluebirds.

Thereafter, both sexes will work together to build their nest. Typically, Bluebirds lay one clutch of eggs per year. Each clutch consists of four to five light blue eggs.

Additionally, the incubation period occurs for thirteen to fifteen days until the eggs hatch. Once the eggs are hatched, both male and female birds’ responsibilities begin.

Both of them will work together to care for the young ones. During this phase of time, the male brings and provides food to young and female birds.

They will feed them insects and other small prey. Also, protect the young ones from predators. For two to three weeks, the young hatches have to stay in the nest.

Does Bluebird Pair Stay Together Throughout the Year?

The pair of colorful birds can stay together throughout the year. It mainly depends on mating partners and their nesting cavities.

According to some reports, it is also found that the pair can mate again with the same partner. But, if their nesting becomes a failure, then female bluebirds can change their mating partners.

Moreover, they can also have multiple mating partners throughout the year.

How Does Death Affect Their Relationship?

Most often it has been observed that the bluebirds pair have a strong bonding with their mates. Because of this, the death of one partner can affect their relationship.

Sadly, if one of their partners dies, the surviving bird may seek out a new mate to raise their young. In some cases, the surviving bird may remain alone and raise the young on their own.

Frequently Asked Question

Are bluebirds monogamous?

Generally, bluebirds are monogamous, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they stay together for life. Some may switch different partners during the breeding season as well.

How do bluebirds choose their mating partners?

Female bluebirds are selective while choosing their mates. They will often choose partners based on their physical appearance and their ability to provide food and shelter.

How to know whether their pair is official?

The bluebird’s pair is only official when the male birds also accept the nesting materials brought by females.

How many times in a year does bluebird mate?

Bluebirds usually brood between two to four times during the breeding season, which is generally from March through August in the Northeastern United States.

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