How Long Does A Crow Live?

How Long Does A Crow Live?

Crows are fascinating creatures that have captured the attention of humans for centuries. Crows are some of the most intelligent birds on our planet.

Crows are also mischievous in nature, also they have earned a name in folklore, mythology, and even modern culture.

These fascinating creatures can surprise you with a lifespan. But how long is that exactly?

How Long Does A Crow Live?

Different types of Crows have different life expectancy. In general, crows have an impressive lifespan compared to many other bird species.

There are about 35 species of birds with crows. The average lifespan varies between 4 and 7 years and some 22 years or more in the wild.

The lifespan of some common crows:

American Crow: 7 to 8 years
Australian Raven: 20 to 22 years
Torresian Crow: up to 20 years
Carrion Crow: 4 to 7 years
Common Raven: 10 to 15 years

Not all crows live in the same environment. Some types may not live as long as others. So, when we talk about the average crow life span, we often refer to adult crows – those mature enough to withstand environmental challenges and more likely to avoid predators.

Crow Lifespan in The Wild

The reality for any crow in the wild can be harsh. As they are exposed directly to predators, disease, pollution, starvation, etc. These factors definitely play a role in their life span.

A wild crow has a lifespan of 7–8 years whereas, an older one is anywhere around 20 years if it’s lucky. Pioneering studies show that this figure may be even stretched up to 30 Years among some crow populations!

Crow Lifespan In Captivity

If the crow gets better with captive conditions, the crow’s lifespan in captivity can reach up to 30 years. Domesticated are kept under human care with a balanced diet.

With more consistent access to resources and reduced risks posed by predators or environmental hazards, captive crows can enjoy extended lifespans comfortably.

Do low-stress levels paired alongside proper nutrition built right into diets provided by caregivers they are a high lifespan.

Read More: Why Do Little Birds Attack Crows? >>>

The Average Crow Life Cycle

To better understand how long crows live, let’s take a closer look at their life cycle:


Both male and female crows construct large nests made primarily of sticks high up on tree branches or utility poles. They usually make a nest in 10–15 days. They start in March and finish by mid-July. After completing the nest, the female nurtures four to five eggs for the next 18 days.


After incubating their eggs for around two to three weeks, babies hatch breaking free from outside shells. These young chicks hatch highly vulnerable and rely on their parents’ care for survival. Many of them will begin to fledge between 28 and 35 days.

Young Adult

As time progress, hatchlings transform into adolescents. When the chicks reach complete maturity, they enter the young adult stage. The adults will continue to feed them for the next 30 days.

Adult Crow

As they reach adulthood, the crows face various challenges, including finding food, avoiding predators, and establishing territories. Their intelligence becomes crucial during these years as they master various problem-solving skills.

Adult American crows do not start reproducing until they are two years old.

Factors Affecting The Crows Life Span


The quality of a crow’s natural habitat greatly impacts its health and overall lifespan. Clean air, abundant food sources, and safe roosting areas make all the difference!

Access to Food

Crows are omnivorous birds that scavenge and hunt for food. The availability of nutritious meals plays a vital role in determining their life expectancy.

Habitat Conditions

An ideal habitat with ample resources and minimal human disturbances offers better chances for crows to thrive and live longer lives.


Like any other animal roaming in nature’s kingdom, crows face threats from predators such as larger birds of prey or even humans seeking mischief.


Just like us, humans can fall ill sometimes, and so can crows. Certain diseases can shorten their lives if not appropriately managed.

What Are The Predator Of a Crow?

In nature’s complex web of life, adult crows must always keep an eye out for potential danger lurking nearby. Some common predators that pose a threat to crows are:

  • Hawks, eagles, herons
  • Owls
  • Raccoons
  •  Foxes

 Essentially any opportunistic hunters looking for a meal!

Oldest Crow Ever Recorded

In rare cases where conditions align favorably for these remarkable creatures, some crows have lived exceptionally long lives:

The oldest recorded crow lived an astounding 59 years!

Another notable crow reached an impressive age of 29 years before passing away peacefully.

These exceptional individuals showcase just how resilient crows can be when provided with optimal circumstances throughout their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do male and female crows have different lifespans?

No, both male and female crows have similar lifespans. The average lifespan applies to both genders.

Can crows live longer than 30 years in captivity?

Yes, some captive crows have been known to exceed the age of 30 years if they receive the necessary care, nutrition, and a safe environment.

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