What Birds Can Live With Parakeets?

What Birds Can Live With Parakeets

Introducing new avian companions into your home can be exciting, but selecting the right feathered friends to cohabitate with your parakeets requires thoughtful consideration.

While parakeets are renowned for their friendly nature, not all parakeet species are compatible or help to harmonious living arrangements.

Understanding the temperament, social dynamics, and space requirements of potential birds roommates is crucial to developing a peaceful and enriching environment for all feathered residents.

Yellow- chevroned Parakeet
Yellow- chevroned Parakeet

In this article, we’ll explore various bird species that can thrive alongside parakeets, highlighting compatibility, space considerations and dietary needs. 

Stick around until the end, as this book aims to provide essential information to help you make sensible choices and develop a lively feathered community to introduce a new feathery friend to your existing parakeet friends. 

What are Parakeets?

Parakeets are a diversified group of small to medium-sized parrot species from many genera, known for their charming presence and unique long tail feathers.

The term “parakeet” derives from the French word “perroquet,” and older spellings such as “paroquet” or “paraquet” are still occasionally encountered.

 However, in contemporary French, “perruche” is the preferred term for referring to parakeets and similarly sized parrots.

In American English, “parakeet” commonly denotes the budgerigar, a beloved species within the parakeet family. 

Among the fascinating traits of these avian companions are their color variations, with green and blue being the primary hues.

Blue parakeets exhibit a spectrum of shades ranging from soft greys to vibrant cobalts, with over 30 recognized color combinations originating from the original wild budgerigar.

Are Parakeets Aggressive Birds?

Parakeets are primarily known for their calm attitude and rarely demonstrate violence as their primary characteristic.

Any outbursts are short and fade quickly. However, occasional conflicts may occur between them, especially over resources such as food or territory or during brief battles over partners or toys, all of which are considered normal in social dynamics.

The Parakeet’s conflicts rarely go beyond short arguments, with the majority of violent behavior arising from related reasons like collecting food, guarding personal space, or claiming mating rights.

Overall, such outbursts of violence are typical of parakeet culture and are usually short-lived. Harmony is quickly restored in their communal setting.  

Types of Parakeets

There are different types of Parakeets; some of them are:

  1. Budgerigar
  2. Monk Parakeet
  3. Rose-ringed Parakeet
  4. Rosellas
  5. Alexandrine Parakeet
  6. Barred Parakeet
  7. Eastern Rosella
  8. Lord Derby’s Parakeet
  9. Princess Parrot
  10. Aratinga

Can Parakeets Live With Other Parakeets?

Parakeets thrive in social environments, so consider purchasing two at once. These birds, which come in a variety of varieties, create deep bonds with one another, engaging in grooming, play, and lively chatter.

If you choose a single parakeet, you will most certainly become its primary companion, demanding frequent engagement.

Alone parakeets, on the other hand, are more open to learning tricks and even speaking since they value human interaction.

However, if bird owners are unable to spend a significant amount of time with their pets, a pair can provide companionship to one another.

While birds of the same species usually cohabit peacefully, compatibility is not guaranteed.

When choosing parakeets, study their relationships in pet stores, preferring those engaged in grooming or playful behavior rather than those demonstrating conflict against others.

Some experts advise against housing two female parakeets because of potential territorial disputes. In general, male or male/female partnerships are considered to cohabitate successfully.

Types of Birds That Can Live with Parakeets

Types of birds that can live with Parakeets are as follows:

  1. Zebra Finches
  2. Canaries
  3. Quail

1. Zebra Finches

Zebra finches, belonging to the genus Taeniopygia, are estrildid finches native to Australia and Indonesia. These little birds feed primarily on seeds and frequently travel in large flocks. 

These sociable creatures typically live in the arid regions of Australia, forming social groupings of 100 or more, proof of their strong sense of community throughout the year. 

zebra finches

Zebra finches vary in habitat but are primarily found in dry forest areas near watercourses. They have a lifespan of about 2–3 years.

Can parakeets and zebra finches live together?

Parakeets and zebra finches typically live together in an aviary, especially when plenty of space is available. 

However, if the parakeets observe overcrowding, they may become aggressive against the zebra finches. 

To preserve harmonious relationships within the aviary, it is necessary to provide adequate space for both Parakeets and zebra finches.

2. Canaries

Canaries are a domesticated version of the wild canary. They are members of the finch family and originated in the Macaronesian Islands.

Canaries are popular pets because of their small size and cost, making them acceptable for a wide range of households. They are well-known for their welcoming nature and melodic singing.

The canaries are known to be social and like interaction, but they are equally satisfied to entertain themselves while alone.


They usually live in areas with modest orchard trees and somewhat open landscapes. The canaries, which can live for 10 to 15 years, provide their owners with lasting companionship. 

Can parakeets and Canaries live together?

In large cages, parakeets and canaries can coexist, but in smaller cages, parakeets tend to dominate and bully canaries.

Canaries, as delicate birds, are vulnerable to harm or even death from larger parakeets.

As a result, it is best to use precautions while housing these birds together, especially in close spaces, to guarantee the safety and well-being of the more vulnerable canaries.  

3. Quail

Quail are a group of medium-sized bird species that are generally categorized as Galliformes. When grouped together, they are known as a flock, covey, or bevy. Quail-like areas with open spaces and dense shrubbery.

During the spring, the female quail typically lays approximately 12 spherical eggs. Quail’s diet is mainly made up of seeds and berries, with occasional leaves, roots, and insects.


Wild quail have an average lifespan of 1.5 years, while some can survive up to four years in specific circumstances.  

Can parakeets and Quail live together?

Parakeets and quail can live together peacefully in an outdoor aviary or birdhouse. There are different Quail species, and they often live on the ground level of the enclosure, establishing a separate habitat from the parakeets’ flying antics above.

This arrangement promotes harmonious living together, with each species inhabiting its zone inside the shared space.

Compatibility Factors

Let’s delve deeper into each compatibility factor, exploring how temperament, size, socialization, and dietary needs influence the selection of avian companions for parakeets.

Understanding these elements will allow us to find birds that can coexist peacefully with parakeets.

1. Temperament

  • Birds with similar temperaments are more likely to get along well.
  • Look for birds known for being peaceful and not overly aggressive.

2. Size

  • Birds of similar size are generally better companions as there’s less risk of one dominating or injuring the other.
  • Avoid pairing significantly larger birds with parakeets, as they may pose a threat.

3. Socialization

  • Consider birds that are social and enjoy the company of others.
  • Avoid species that are solitary or territorial, as they may not tolerate sharing space with parakeets.

4. Dietary Needs

  • Choose birds with similar dietary requirements to simplify feeding arrangements.
  • Avoid species with vastly different dietary needs, as this can lead to complications in providing appropriate nutrition for all birds.


In conclusion, selecting suitable avian companions to live alongside parakeets involves careful consideration of various factors such as temperament, size, socialization, and dietary needs.

While parakeets are known for their friendly nature, not all bird species are compatible with them.

Whether considering zebra finches, canaries, or quail as companions for parakeets, compatibility in terms of behavior, size, and habitat preferences is crucial.

By choosing birds that complement each other’s characteristics and needs, bird enthusiasts can create a vibrant and enriching avian community within their homes. 

Frequently Asked Question

Can parakeets live with other bird species?

Yes, parakeets can coexist with various bird species, but compatibility depends on factors such as size, temperament and socialization.

What bird species can live peacefully with parakeets?

When introduced properly, species such as zebra finches, canaries, and quail are commonly known to live harmoniously with parakeets.

Can different types of parakeets live together?

Generally, parakeets of different types can live together peacefully, but it’s essential to monitor their interactions and ensure they have enough space and resources. As the same species usually cohabit peacefully, compatibility is not guaranteed. 

Can parakeets become lonely if kept alone?

Parakeets are social birds and may experience loneliness if kept alone for extended periods. Consider getting a companion for a single parakeet or spending much time interacting with them daily.

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