Can Birds Eat Walnuts?

Can birds eat walnuts

The majestic birds are beloved by nature enthusiasts for their diverse colors, soothing songs, diet, and graceful flight, hold a special place in our hearts.

Many bird species are economically crucial in ecosystems globally, serving as pollinators, seed dispersers, and environmental health indicators.


Birds often eat a wide range of foods like seeds, insects, fruits, and grains. This bird may act as opportunistic feeders, and may occasionally consume human food items.

Such as including nuts like walnuts, which are edible seeds abundant in nutrition. However, the question arises, can birds eat walnuts? In this blog post, we will be exploring the benefits and risks of consuming walnuts with our feathered birds.

Understanding the Nutritional Diet of Birds

When it comes to knowing birds’ nutritional diet, then it is observed that their diet varies accordingly. It may be due to environmental or seasonal changes and the availability of food.

Most of the species of birds are omnivorous or herbivorous, eating primarily seeds, grains, fruits, and insects. Occasionally, they consume small animals.

It’s quite important to understand the nutritional diet of birds that helps to ensure their health and overall well-being.

Can Birds Eat Walnuts? | Is It Safe to Eat Walnuts?

The answer is yes. Birds can eat walnuts. It is safe for the birds to eat walnuts if it is offered to them in a moderate quantity.

Walnuts are healthy nuts that are filled with a great source of important nutrients and healthy fats. Such as protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Potential Benefits of Walnuts for Birds

Walnuts are considered one of the healthy nutritional benefits of the bird’s diet. These nuts provide several health benefits for birds:

Nutrition Value in Walnuts

Protein: Walnuts are a good source of energy and growth. These nutrients help to maintain the energy levels, muscle development, and overall growth and health of the birds.

Vitamins and Minerals: Walnuts contain the essential requirement of vitamins and minerals. Such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B, magnesium, and manganese. It helps to maintain the feather health and plumage of birds.

Dietary Fiber: Walnuts are rich sources of dietary fiber. It is abundant in nutrients vital for birds’ health.

Healthy Fats: It is important for the bird’s growth, proper functioning of the immune system, and development of feathers and overall health.

As we all know, walnuts are important for human beings as well as for birds. So, it is required to offer the nuts to the birds in moderation. And ensure that the nuts provided to the feathered friend are fresh and free from contaminated chemicals.

Potential Risks of Feeding Walnuts to Birds

Feeding Walnuts to the birds can pose certain potential health risks that can adversely impact the health of the birds. Here are some of the potential risks:

Choking Hazard: Walnuts are large-sized edible seeds that can make it difficult for birds to swallow the whole nut. This poses a choking hazard, especially for small birds. So, it’s better to break the large nuts into smaller pieces and then feed your birds carefully.

Digestive Issues: Due to the excessive consumption of walnuts that contain a high quantity of fatty acids can cause digestive issues for some birds.

Nut Allergies: Some species of birds might have allergies or sensitivities to certain nuts like almonds, walnuts, and many more. Due to allergic reactions, birds can have severe symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Overconsumption: Overconsumption of walnuts can lead to feather destruction, liver problems, obesity, and other health issues that can occur to the birds.

Types of Birds That Can Eat Walnuts

There have been different species of birds that enjoy eating walnuts. These edible seeds are included as a part of the bird’s diet. Some of the bird species are:

Woodpeckers: Woodpeckers are those birds that belong to the family of Picidae. This species of bird generally lives in forests or woodland habitats.

Being a member of this family, they can be found worldwide except in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and polar regions. When food is scarce, then some species of woodpecker prefer to eat walnuts during the winter season.

Blue Jays: The blue jay is a passerine bird that belongs to the family Corvidae. It is common for residents in the Eastern United States and the Central United States.

Their breeding habitat mostly occurs in the deciduous and coniferous forests. With the help of its strong bill, blue jays crack the hard shell of the walnuts to eat the nutritious kernels inside.

Birds eating in Walnut

Nuthatches: It is a small passerine bird belonging to the family Sittidae. The nuthatches mostly breed in the temperate or montane woodlands of the Northern Hemisphere.

This little bird is omnivorous. Most of the time it mainly feeds on nuts like walnuts, almonds, insects, and seeds.

Chickadees: The Chickadees are small-sized birds that often enjoy eating walnuts. It breaks the nuts with their beak into smaller pieces. Its breeding habitat resides in mixed deciduous or coniferous forests, cottonwood groves, willow thickets, and open wood areas.

Tips for Feeding Walnuts to Birds

If you are wondering how to feed walnuts to birds, then this is the right way to feed your feathered birds.

While feeding walnuts to birds, it’s quite important to follow the fundamental steps correctly along with their safety and overall well-being health. Such as:

  • While feeding the birds the outer shell of the walnuts shall be removed. If it is not removed, then it becomes difficult for the birds to digest and may cause blockages.
  • Make sure that the walnuts are fresh and free from harmful contaminants.
  • The walnuts shall be provided to the birds by breaking into smaller pieces to mitigate the risk of choking. If the feeder cracks it, birds might not struggle to open whole walnuts by themselves.
  • The nuts like walnuts and almonds shall be offered in moderation to the birds.
  • Besides this, the birds shall be provided with diverse dietary needs. They shouldn’t rely on a single type of food source. Such as fruits, vegetables, and seeds.
  • At the time of feeding, try to monitor the bird’s behavior. If there is any sign or indication of discomfort or illness, then try to consult with a veterinarian or avian specialist.
  • Mostly, ensure that your yards or gardens are free from predators. Provide them with clean and fresh water sources near their food.

What Are Other Nutritious Foods for Birds?

Throughout the year, the birds consume a variety of foods. It is necessary to obtain essential nutrients, maintain overall health conditions, and due to changes in the environmental condition.

Several other nutritious foods are safe and beneficial for birds. Such as:

Seeds: This is an essential diet for many bird species. It is rich in essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates. Some of the seeds are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, millet, and safflower seeds.

Fruits: Another alternative food for birds is fruits. As we all know, a variety of fruits are enjoyed by every bird. It includes berries, apples, bananas, grapes, and oranges. These fruits contain a supplement nutrient of antioxidants, vitamins, and natural sugars.

Insects: Insect-eating species of birds include robins, bluebirds, and warblers who feed on insects, larvae, and mealworms. It is rich in protein.

Vegetables: A variety of vegetables are also a natural source of nutrition for birds. Such as broccoli, peas, and leafy green vegetables include an essential supplement of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that is helpful for the overall well-being of the birds.


Walnuts are safe for birds as they are rich in high sources of protein and healthy fat loss.

Indeed, it’s important to offer your feathered bird a nutritious diet that prioritizes the over well-being of birds. Along with that, it’s essential to consider their size and species of birds while feeding the nuts.

It holds a significant importance for birds’ diet which helps them to provide the development of strong feathers and overall health condition. The walnuts shall be a part of a balanced diet when they are offered to the birds in moderate quantities.

Most of the bird species like Blue Jays, Nuthatches, and Woodpeckers love to eat walnuts. So, bird enthusiasts can support the well-being and resilience of the birds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can birds eat walnuts?

Yes, the birds can eat walnuts. As we all know, walnuts are such types of nuts that are rich in protein, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, fats, and water.

What type of nuts birds shall not eat?

The fascinating feathered birds shall not feed salted or roasted nuts. While feeding the nuts to birds always try to avoid the salted nuts as it becomes difficult for them to digest.

What is the best time to offer walnuts to birds?

The best time to offer walnuts to birds is in the winter season. At this period, the food sources may be scarce and there are slight changes in the nutritional needs of the birds during the year.

Which species of birds consume walnuts?

Some of the bird species that consume walnuts are woodpeckers, squirrels, bluejays, magpies, chickadees, nuthatches, crows, and collared doves. 

What are the safe ways to feed walnuts to birds?

The safest way to feed walnuts to birds are:
1. Ensure that the nuts are fresh and free from harmful contaminants.
2. Provide them by cracking or crushing the walnuts into smaller pieces.
3. Essentially, the walnuts must be offered in moderation.
4. Monitor closely your bird’s reaction while consuming the walnuts.

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