Human Foods Cockatiels Can Eat

Human Foods Cockatiels Can Eat

We all want the best for our pet birds, and that includes providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet.

While cockatiels have specific dietary needs, it’s always tempting to share some of our own food with them. But before you do, make sure you know which human foods are safe for cockatiels to eat.

Ensuring that your cockatiel is given the proper diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Human Foods Safe For Cockatiels

When it comes to feeding your beloved pet bird, certain human foods are perfectly safe in moderation. However, remember that their primary diet should consist of specially formulated pellets specifically for cockatiels.

Fruits to Feed

Fresh fruits can be an excellent addition to your cockatiel’s diet. They provide essential vitamins and minerals while adding variety and flavor to their meals. Make sure you cut the fruits into small pieces, so they can easily consume them.

It’s important to wash any fruits before giving them to your cockatiel. This will ensure that there are no harmful pesticides or chemicals present.

It’s important to be cautious and make sure there are no fruit seeds in any fruits given to your cockatiel. Fruit seeds have cyanide, a toxic substance that can be harmful to cockatiels.

Some fruits you can offer include:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes (seedless)
  • Mangoes
  • Melons
  • Honeydew

Additionally, dried fruits like apricots or raisins can also be given as occasional treats.

Remember that while most fruit pits should be avoided due to potential toxicity risks (such as apple seeds), fresh fruit is generally safe in small amounts.

Vegetables to Feed

Just like fruits, vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet for cockatiels. They provide important vitamins and minerals necessary for their overall health.

Safe vegetable options include:

  • Bell peppers (all colors)
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Leafy greens
  • Spinach
  • Cooked Pumpkin
  • Cooked Sweet Potatoes

It’s safe for cockatiels to consume fresh, cooked, or thawed frozen vegetables. But make sure to wash them thoroughly to eliminate any pesticide residue. It’s best to avoid adding any spices to their diet.

Remember always to introduce new foods gradually and in moderation. This way, you can ensure that your bird tolerates them well without suffering from any digestive issues.


Proteins are essential for your feathered friend’s health and growth. Apart from commercial pellet blends made explicitly for birds such as cockatiels, there are other protein-rich options available:

Lean-cooked meats such as chicken or turkey without any seasoning can be offered occasionally. Cooked eggs (both white and yolk) serve as a great source of protein too; however, be sure not to feed eggshells alone—these don’t provide any significant nutritional value. Feed these proteins sparingly since excessive intake may lead to obesity or calcium imbalances.

Some Protiens-based food to feed:

  • Cooked chicken or turkey
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Cooked dried beans
  • Cottage cheese

Grains to Feed

Cockatiels can safely eat several grains, but these should only be fed in moderation. Here are some grains and grain-containing foods that a cockatiel can eat:

Safe grains options include:

  • Brown rice
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Cooked oats
  • Whole grain pasta

Feeding Water

It is crucial to provide fresh water to your cockatiel. Therefore, it is recommended to change the water in their cage on a daily basis.

Always ensure that the bird’s water is kept clean. If you notice any dirt or debris in it, make sure to replace it promptly. Cockatiels have a tendency to toss their food around, and it may accidentally land in the water, leading to contamination. It is advisable to change the water regularly to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

What do cockatiels eat in the wild?

In the wild, cockatiels have a varied and natural diet. They primarily feed on seeds found in grasses or herbaceous plants—known as their “seeds diet.” However, they also enjoy munching on various plant materials such as fresh shoots and blossoms when available.

Cockatiels are known to eat crops, catch insects and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Due to their natural habitat being arid, they can go for a long time without water.

Read More: What Do Bluebirds Eat? A Complete Guide to Bluebird Nutrition

What do Cockatiels eat in captivity?

When living with humans as pets, cockatiels still require a diverse range of foods similar to those found in the wild. In addition to specially formulated pellets designed for their nutritional needs, they should also receive fresh food items daily.

A combination of seed mixtures specifically created for cockatiel diets is preferable over plain seeds alone. These mixes often incorporate various fortified grains alongside dried fruits like raisins or apricots—a tasty treat!

Fresh fruits and vegetables play an integral role too by adding vital nutrients while enhancing taste variety at mealtime for your pet bird’s enjoyment.

To maintain optimal health levels:

  1. Offer smaller meals more frequently throughout each day rather than leaving food out continuously.
  2. While some people provide sweet potatoes, be cautious here—they should only form a small portion of your pet’s meal plan due to their higher starch content.

Foods To Avoid Feeding Cockatiels

Just as certain human foods are safe for cockatiels, others should be avoided altogether. It’s crucial to keep the following harmful food items away from your feathery friend:

  1. Processed foods: These typically contain excessive amounts of salt, sugar, or unhealthy fats that can lead to numerous health problems over time. Do not feed chips, pretzels, or crackers.
  2. Avocado: Toxic to birds and should never be given.
  3. Chocolate/Caffeinated drinks/Soda
  4. Alcohol
  5. Fruit Seeds (such as apple seeds), since they may contain toxic substances.
  6. Coconut products: Unprocessed coconut flesh itself is safe; however, it tends to have high levels of saturated fat and calories.
  7. Do not feed Onion, Garlic, Cabbage, Egg Plant
  8. Do not feed sugary products

Remember—always consult with a veterinarian regarding any concerns or questions about your pet’s specific diet requirements.

While it’s enjoyable and enriching bonding with our feathered friends through feeding them human-friendly meals now and then, we must ensure their nutrition stays balanced at all times!

Frequently Asked Question

Can cockatiels eat eggs?

Yes, Cockatiels can eat eggs. Cooked eggs (both white and yolk) serve as a great source of protein too; however, be sure not to feed eggshells alone.

Can cockatiels eat green beans?

Yes, cockatiels can eat green beans a well as cooked dried beans.

Can cockatiels eat spinach?

Yes, Cockatiels can eat spinach in moderate.

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